+34 986 22 92 60 / +34 686 25 84 53
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At Alto Palermo dental studio, we offer effective solutions to achieve reliable and aesthetic removable prostheses through modern manufacturing methods. Thanks to advances in materials and our Dental CAD-CAM technology, together with improvements in technical knowledge, we achieve successful results that meet the most demanding clinical standards.

Our goal is to provide highly customized removable prosthetic restorations in shape, size, color, and materials, with a lighter frame, better fit, and greater strength and durability.


State-of-the-art prosthetic solutions that go beyond conventional acrylic prosthetics. Our technological approach includes the manufacture of 3D printed prostheses and milled acrylic, offering the possibility of using milled teeth in advanced materials such as PMMA or graphene.

These options guarantee greater precision, adaptability and resistance, providing our patients with superior aesthetic results and exceptional durability in their dental prostheses.


Removable prostheses present significant advantages in the dental field. These allow a comfortable and functional replacement of missing teeth, improving both the aesthetic appearance and the chewing ability of the patient. Likewise, the possibility of using materials such as PMMA or graphene in the manufacture of these prostheses offers additional benefits.

These advanced materials ensure greater strength, durability, and structural stability, providing patients with a high-quality, high-performance prosthetic solution.


Tratamiento Time
Impeller test 3 days*
Teeth test 5 days*
Finish 5 days*

*Working times are approximate and may vary depending on the particularities of each case

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Alto Palermo

If you want more information about our services, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

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